What We Do
Breakdowns by demographic, over time, and by classroom for:
Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism
Assessments (State, screening/benchmark, progress monitoring, diagnostic)
EL, SpED, MTSS Services
On Track (High school, Elementary School)
Automated reporting
Weekly Pulse Checks
New Student Enrollments
Parent Teacher Conference Student One Pagers
Custom Student List Generator
Quarterly/Trimester Overview
Attendance and Behavior
Continuous Improvement
Continuous Improvement is an incredibly important mindset and practice in education that often there lacks a solid structure to measure the outcomes of any new initiatives. DDE can:
Work to create appropriate metrics aligned to your districts greater CI work
Track progress right in your dashboard
Create 6-12 week cycles plans which can greatly shift the key practices in your school.
Custom Data Solutions
Data Driven Ed can collaborate with districts to design and implement automated data systems.
Classroom observations
Attendance call logs
Multi-tiered support system (MTSS) student tracking
Tutoring rosters and attendance tracking
After school program tracking